Sunday, November 1, 2009

Cars: 2008-Future


In the past few years the automotive industry has been on fire with the production of eco-friendly, fuel-efficient, safer and more technological cars. With the rising awareness of global warming and the negative effect that carbon dioxide emissions from cars have on the environment, the industry is designing more efficient and environmental cars. New advances in technology have allowed for better safety in vehicles and the inclusion of applications such as seat-warmers, iPod outputs, etc.

Hybrid cars are the fastest-growing type of cars out on the market right now. With MPG of 50 and greater, these cars also reduce carbon dioxide emissions and are becoming readily more available to consumers in many different forms. Several of the bestselling hybrids are discussed in detail below.

Toyota Prius:
With a sticker price of less than $23,000 the Prius is the most popular hybrid on the market. It was the car that started the rage for hybrids. With an average MPG of 60 (in the city) and 51 (on the highway) this car is extremely fuel-efficient in comparison to other vehicles. Though the Prius has been around for a few years now there are constantly updates being made to the models in order to produce the most environmentally-efficient vehicle possible.

Honda Civic Hybrid:
Slightly less expensive than the Prius, the Honda Civic is another commonly seen hybrid car. The average MPG is 49 (city) and 51 (highway). This vehicle includes 6 airbags as standard, whereas an extra fee is required for more airbags in the Prius, and boasts high safety test scores.

Honda Accord Hybrid:
The Honda Accord appeals more to a car-enthusiast crowd rather than an environmentalist crowd. The Accord is promoted as a performance sedan that gets 4-cylinder gas-engine mileage. It is speedy, safe, and still more fuel efficient than the majority of other cars. The average MPG is 25 (city), 34 (highway).

Technological advances in cars have sped up in recent years and it is now standard for cars to have automatic locks and windows or air-conditioning/heating systems. Options that come with cars have also broadened to MP3 outputs, GPS navigation systems and much more. Because so many people commute to work each day and spend lots of time in their cars, it is more likely that they will opt in on some of these extra options.

Seat Heaters:
More and more companies are offering the option of seat heaters in their vehicles. Though it is an extra fee, many consumers are willing to pay the extra amount in order to reap the benefits. When the cold weather settles in the seat heaters are convenient, especially for those drivers who have long trips to make. Luxury in forms such as this are becoming increasingly more common in cars in order to cater to drivers and their demands.

MP3 Outputs:
With the introduction and eruption in popularity of the iPod and Zune earlier this century, vehicles are now offering special outputs for the installation of an MP3 player. Drivers like to listen to music while they are on the road and the radio can get frustrating with the constant commercial breaks. MP3 outputs allow drivers to pick what they listen to without interruption. Some cars even have a system where the driver can tell the car what song they want to hear and the system will play it back.

GPS Navigation:
Although the invention of MapQuest and Google Maps has made finding the way infinitely easier, car companies have also introduced in-car GPS systems to simplify the process. All a driver needs to do is plug in their current location and then their designated location and the GPS will map out and navigate the trip for them. The GPS option can either be bought with the car or bought separately and installed into any car.

Safety Features:
Due to the high rate of accidents in motor vehicles, car companies have been working on ways to reduce the mortality rate by producing safer models. Some cars now include technology that allows the driver to change speeds during cruise control or will even brake for the driver if they are too close to the car in front of them. Another added safety measure is the rising average number of airbags in a standard vehicle. Car companies are ensuring that safety is one of the top priorities in new vehicles.


In the next few years, cars will continue to shift towards fuel-efficiency and alternatives such as battery-power and ethanol fuel. Technological advances will remain a major factor in relation to safety, comfort, and convenience. All in all the automotive industry will continue to make advances and move in the direction that it is currently moving.

Battery and Hydrogen Fuel-Cell-Powered Vehicles:
These vehicles produce no pollution and consume no fossil fuels while driving. Battery-powered cars must be charged in order to contain energy while Hydrogen must be extracted from other chemicals. Advancements still need to be made in these areas because, as of now, the pollution from the production process seems to outweigh the benefits of the cars themselves. It is estimated, however, that developments made in the next few years in these cars will lead them to become stiff competition and eco-friendly alternatives for gasoline-fueled cars.

Ethanol Fuel:
Ethyl is the same type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages. It is a form of renewable energy that is produced from agricultural crops such as potato, corn, and sugar cane and can be used as fuel. Ethanol fuel is currently used as a biofuel additive in gasoline, however in the future it is likely that some cars will be modeled to run entirely off of ethanol. Past concerns about ethanol fuel have been the large amount of crops required and the energy used and pollution created in its production process. Recent advancements have helped solve these concerns and make ethanol fuel a more likely and eco-friendly alternative to gasoline. Although the energy per unit volume in an ethanol engine is 34% lower than gasoline, these engines give increased power output and higher fuel economy than their counterparts.

Future Car Models:

1. 2010 Lexus HS:
This model is a smaller, more-affordable luxury version of the Lexus and Prius hybrids. It offers the best fuel-economy of all Lexus models and is reasonably faster than the Prius.

2. 2011 Ford F-150 EcoBoost V-6:
This model employs turbo-charging and direct injection in its V-6 EcoBoost engine, using less gas. The engine is cheaper to build than a diesel and has 15-20% better mileage.

3. 2012 Toyota ‘Urban Commuter’:
Toyota plans to sell small battery-powered commuter cars by 2010 that can be recharged at electrical outlets. This model is an alternative to fuel-powered engines and would be used for traveling up to 50 miles per trip.

Posted By: Kaila Evenoff and Lindsey Jamieson


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Textiles: 2008 to Future

Future: 2010-2012

Smart fashions are starting to take over the textile industry and promise to catch the eye of the consumers by their style and innovation.

Adaptive fabric is one of the mostly newly developed textiles. Researches in the UK explain that this fabric controls air flow by opening invisible micro shutters when the humidity goes up. A separate layer keeps the rain out even when air is flowing. Many adaptive fabrics similar to this are being designed for undergarments, sports wear and fashion products.
Posted By: Kaila Evenoff and Lindsey Jamieson

Apparel: 2008 to Future

Future: 2010-2012
Is it really possible for one to have the ability to become invisible? A team of scientists at Duke University have made this super hero-like ability become a reality by constructing the first working invisibility cloak. The cloak is made of metamaterials which are blends of man-made composites that exhibit properties not found in nature. An object is surrounded in these metamaterials and assembled in the right order for light waves to pass through the metamaterials and blend around the object, (ex. water flowing undisturbed around a rock). The Invisibility Cloak is just one of many products for the future that is made possible because of technology.
Posted By: Kaila Evenoff and Lindsey Jamieson

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Electronics: 2008 to Future


Electronics took a major leap within the past two years. From cell phones to technologically advanced toys, electronics became the driving force behind social and corporate America. The most sought after brand was MAC. Both the iTouch and iPhone were ranked top ten among must-have electronics of 2008. These products not only became popular but demanded across the country. The reason that these products have CONTINUED to be highly demanded is because of their ability to retrieve information within seconds at a touch of a button. Because the iPhone and iTouch are able to download numerous applications it gives one freedom to communicate quicker and have their questions answered.

Children's toys have also made a huge impact within the market of electronics. Almost all toys are influenced by technology and one in which that has had a major influence is the Nintendo Wii. The Nintendo Wii has had much of the same affect as MAC within the past two years. It not only has given one the ability to completely control the game being played, but it now has it's own fitness program. Introduced in 2008 Wii fit has sold over 21 million copies and given a whole new meaning to the word, videogame. The content includes yoga, strength training exercises, aerobics, and balance games.

One of the major factors that has contributed to these successful products is technology. Almost all electronic items found in 2008 and 2009 have been technologically influenced and made convienant, (fast, quick, easily accessable) to the consumer.

FUTURE: 2010-2012

Cell phones are one of the most popular electronics now and will be for a long time to come. It is because they are used so frequently that we are able to take a look into the future to see what new concepts have been in the works.

The Braclet Phone is just like it sounds, a phone that's a braclet.This phone includes an MP3 player and a diamond=like keystroke to read messages and answer phone calls. Though not much information has been given out about how this phone will operate, or what features will be included, it gives one a glimpse as to what may be the leading designs for the future of cellular phones.

Another concept phone that may make it much easier for those who like a simple, more "practical" phone is the CUin5 mobile phone. Again, it's features are simple and inspired by the big firm's designs of a "super-practical" interface. Every face of the phone carries a keypad, microphone and speaker. Which ever part you hit first becomes active while the other parts automatically go to lock mode.

Posted by: Kaila Evenoff and Lindsey Jamieson

Airplanes: 2008 to Future


Currently, commercial aircraft companies are focusing on creating aircrafts with higher technology and fuel efficiency while attempting to minimize operating costs. The majority of aircrafts are mid-sized (seating around 300 passengers) but they are gradually growing in size and capacity.

Major Trends in Design:

Fuel Efficiency:
Producing a fuel-efficient aircraft lowers operating costs and is also more environmentally friendly. Current aircrafts use 3.5 litres per 100 passenger km and are 20% more fuel-efficient than those from 10 years ago. Each kg of fuel saved reduces carbon-dioxide emissions by 3.16 kg. By using more efficient engines, airplanes can run for longer on less fuel and also decrease their negative impact on the atmosphere.

Although aircraft configuration looks similar to how it was 40 years back, there have been drastic reductions in cost due to improvements in aerodynamics, structures and materials, control systems, and propulsion technology. Composites are materials used in the construction of aircrafts in place of aluminum. They are combinations consisting of two or more components. One material is the 'matrix', or the material that holds it all together, while the other material is a reinforcement, in the form of fibers embedded in the matrix. Composite materials are necessary in order to produce stronger, safer, lighter, and more fuel-efficient aircrafts.These composite materials are both lightweight and strong. The more an aircraft weighs the more fuel it burns, thus composite technology is important to reducing aircraft weight.

The Two largest aircraft producers, Boeing and Airbus, are working to incorporate these elements in their newest designs.

Released the 787, a mid-sized airplane seating 330, which has high fuel efficiency, low operating costs, and new technology.

Released the A380 in 2007 which is a double-decker, seating over 800 passengers. It cut operating costs, utilizes new technology and has high fuel efficiency (beating out the 787).


Aircraft design trends are beginning to turn to larger airplanes which will continue on into the future. Double-deckers are beginning to take the forefront in aircraft design. Fuel efficiency and operating costs will continue to be taken into consideration as well as maximizing passenger space and safety. One idea is that of face-to-face seating. Though this isn't entirely popular with passengers it could drastically lower airline ticket costs.
Another idea is that of personal aircrafts. Creating a plane that is simple to use and affordable for the average person has been a longtime dream of aircraft companies. Though this won't happen anytime in the near future, steps are already being taken to develop designs and discover the limitations of the 'every man's' airplane.

Posted by: Kaila Evenoff and Lindsey Jamieson


Food: 2008 to Future

Trends in 2008-2009:

The most popular food trend of 2008 was Eco-friendly, locally grown, natural foods. Consumers became much more concerned with where their food was grown, where it was coming from and the carbon foot-print it was leaving on the earth. Though organic foods were being advertised as the "healthy way" to go, a locally grown product is a much better choice over an organic one because the food is fresher and the footprint is smaller.

Both 2008 and 2009 have been very tough for our economy financially which made prices go up in the food industry. This not only affected restaurant and store owners, but also consumers when planning their purchases. Higher prices pushed many consumers out of the fresh produce section and back to canned food and freezer aisles.

Consumer's became more and more aware of the contents of the food they were eating which forced the industry to make food labels clear and the ingredients simpler. Research showed that consumers didn't want to purchase a food product that had ingredients they couldn't pronounce, and foods that had things like artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.

One of the major considerations that the food industry took during these past two years is the future children of America. Research has shown that there was and is still is a growing awareness of, unhealthy food + children = unhealthy future adults, which has influenced parents to become more concerned about the food that their infants are eating. There has become an emphasis on "natural," "organic," and "no additives and preservative" to which consumers are contributing to the innovation of new food products.

Trends for the FUTURE:

Though it has been mentioned as trend in 2008 and 2009, naturally and locally grown foods will carry over into the future.; especially because of the growing awareness of Americans health. Buying fresh, natural grown food is the best way to ensure that one is truly eating fresh foods.

New technologies are also emerging within the industry to help ensure preservation. One that is becoming popular and most talked about is thermal processing which provides a higher degree of microbial safety and keeps the nutritional value of the food product. Though this would preserve food for much longer it has been suggested that it degrades the quality of food to some extent, changes the physical appearance of foods and consumes a large amount of energy.

Other "minimal" technologies have also been considered in food preservation. This includes controlled atmosphere storage of fruits and vegetables, and modified atmosphere packaging for foods, or the development of extended shelf-life refrigerated foods. These techniques would extremely help the future of our society financially and if and when they are perfected they could make for a healthier America as well.

Posted by: Kaila Evenoff and Lindsey Jamieson
"Futurists Predict Tasty Trends," Marian Saizman and Ira Matathia,
"Top Ten Food Trends for 2008,"
The World of Food Science, "Future Trends in Food Technology; Novel Food and Transgenic Food," J. Farkas,

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Packaging: 2008 to Future

2008-2009 Remove Formatting from selection

The 'Go Green' trend has recently integrated itself into many aspects of life, not excluding packaging. From biodegradable containers to recycled grocery bags manufacturers everywhere are trying to use a more environmentally friendly approach.

‘Biodegradable’packaging is a fancy new term that the majority of companies want to be able to boast of. But what does it mean? A biodegradable substance can be broken down into harmless natural compounds in a short amount of time. Globally, companies are utilizing ‘biodegradable’ technology to create new packaging designs that will be eco-friendly and easy to dispose of (without adding to landfills).

PLA (polylactic acid):
PLA is the core of corn-based plastics. It is made from a renewable resource, is compostable, and is relatively cheap to produce. PLA is formed into packaging and containers for food and other goods and when it is disposed of it is returned to the earth as fertilizer. Conventional plastic packaging uses about 200,000 barrels of oil a day in the US alone, the use of PLA will drastically decrease this number. Another positive perk of PLA is that (in comparison to conventional plastics) its production uses 65% less energy, it generates 68% less greenhouse gases, and contains no toxins. Wal-Mart recently announced its plan to begin using only PLA containers to package and sell their produce in. If the company were to use 114 million PLA containers/year then they could be saving up to 800,000 barrels of oil/year.

Another common trend in the packaging industry is the use of recycled materials. Corporations everywhere are making the switch to more eco-friendly packaging that has been recycled and may even be reusable in order to reduce waste and decrease environmental impact.

Recycled Grocery Bags:
These bags are created from the waste of PET (Polyethylene Terephthaltate), a common consumer plastic used. In some areas PET is collected separately from other waste and taken to specialized recycling centers to be sorted and separated from other materials. After undergoing many other processes, the PET is then spun into a fiber and is used to weave recycled grocery bags. The majority of large corporations now offer recycled grocery bags with their logo for a small fee. Companies such as Whole Foods are even beginning to make the switch to only offering certain bags (including their recycled bags). In the state of California, a bill was proposed that would allow stores to charge 25 cents for each plastic bag a customer required for their groceries. Other stores have already begun charging a small fee for plastic bags in order to discourage their use. It is becoming more and more common to see customers walking in and out of the store with their own recycled and reusable grocery bags.

100% Recycled Packaging:
Recycled packaging uses 100% post-consumer recycled content. PET is the most common material used in making these containers. By switching to only recycled plastics, a company can save energy and water, and drastically decrease carbon dioxide emissions. Companies such as ‘Naked Juice’ and ‘Earthbound Farm’ have already begun using only 100% recycled packaging. Other companies are making the transition a little slower by offering products with ‘80% recycled packaging’ or something similar.


The future of packaging is going to be directly impacted by product demand, consumer behavior, and the environment. Packaging communicates the value added benefits of a product to consumers, therefore it is important the packaging industry keeps up with global trends. From the use of eco-friendly to hi-tech packaging the industry will undergo transformation in the next few years to reflect the changes in worldwide values and priorities.

Future Trends:

1. Convenience/ Speed:
In this fast-paced world, humans are naturally multi-taskers. Therefore the importance of convenience in packaging is something to be taken into account. Consumers want a product they can open easily or reseal, while still being functional. Products with luxuries such as ‘Open Here’ labels or easy-tear seals are going to become more popular in the next few years as well as products with resealable tops for later use.

2. Health/ Nutrition:
As consumers begin to become more conscious of their health, nutrition, and what they are putting into their bodies, this focus is implementing changes in the packaging industry. Packages are beginning to provide more detailed product information, smaller portions, use of materials, etc on their labels.

3. Eco-friendly:
The biggest global trend in packaging is, by far, the ‘Green’ movement. With the growing rate of global warming and green house emissions every industry has been touched by some extent and has had to make modifications to their production processes. Even consumers have become more aware of and sensitive towards green technology. Options such as recycled or paper grocery bags or biodegradable products are already available in many stores around the world but this trend will continue to grow in the future, becoming the only option for some corporations. Companies are beginning to plan eco-friendly packaging innovations in order to keep up with the trend. SunChips have proposed a compostable chip bag that is due out in 2010. The future of the packaging industry will be most greatly impacted by this ‘Green’ movement.

4. Technology:
Another trend that is growing in popularity is technology used in packaging. Consumers want their products protected, fresh, cold or hot, etc. and the industry is working to meet these demands. Packaging such as WP Beverage’s self-heating can or CCL Container’s cooling bottle is going to become more widely available to consumers in order to maximize convenience and product appeal. Technology is a huge part of any industry as countries are advancing rapidly and everyday technology is being updated or replaced with new innovations.

Posted by: Kaila Evenoff and Lindsey Jamieson


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Architecture: 2008 to Future


'Green' design, sustainability and how those factors work for architectural style are current hot topics in the industry. Buildings are beginning to show off and feature their eco-friendly materials. Alternative energy of all shapes and forms is being employed in order to preserve operating costs and reduce negative impacts on the environment.

Major 'Green' Factors:

1. Planted Roofs
Planted roofs are systems of living plants and vegetation planted on the roof of a building. There are four parts of a planted roof: a waterproofing layer, a drainage layer, a growing layer, and plants. Although the idea is not new (the first planted roofs were utilized in the 'Hanging Gardens' of Babylon in 500 B.C.) it has been resurrected in recent architecture. Technology has allowed for the improvement and installation of planted roofs in the majority of climates around the world.
2. Solar Panels:
Solar panels harvest renewable energy from the sun and produce electricity. In the past 20 years solar power has become progressively more popular as an alternative energy source. Photovoltaic cells are placed in a grid-like pattern on the panel, they then collect sunlight throughout the day and then convert that energy into electricity. Solar panels are increasingly being used to power homes and other buildings in substitution of traditional electricity.

3. Natural Light:
An increasing interest in natural lighting has recently taken the forefront in the architectural industry. This is due to growing environmental awareness alongside new insights into positive psychological and physical effects of sunlight. Architects are utilizing natural light by incorporating floor-to-ceiling windows and skylights into their designs. The use of natural light has helped to cut electricity costs while becoming a popular and stylish trend in buildings and homes.

4. Wind power:
Wind power converts renewable wind energy into electricity using wind turbines. In 2008, wind power was producing 1.5% of electricity worldwide and that percentage is quickly increasing as an estimated eighty countries are beginning to employ wind power as an alternative energy source on a commercial basis.Wind power technology is still being developed in terms of materials and production cost and varying efficiency; however it is estimated to become a powerful source of energy in the future.

The future holds more energy efficient and 'green' designs in store for architecture. Using land that's already developed (near a big city, reusing an existing building, etc) is another popular trend that's beginning to emerge. Public buildings will begin to set certain 'green' designs as standards. Overall we can expect more environmentally friendly buildings in the future.
Future 'Green' Designs:
1. Le Project Triangle:
This skyscraper (due to be constructed in Paris) rises 200 meters from the ground and is designed to take advantage of both solar and wind power.

2. Cellophane House:
Designed with solar panels integrated into its walls, this 5-story building will be able to provide enough electricity for the entire house just through the sun.

3. Cathedral of Christ the Light:
This cathedral (recently constructed in California) employs the use of natural light and eco-friendly materials such as fly ash concrete and certified wood.

4. The EDITT Tower:
This tower (to be built in Singapore) will rely on solar panels for energy and will install a natural ventilation system and planted roofs.

5. The E-House:
With a framework made entirely from shipping containers, this design is very eco-friendly and practical. The houses are put together off-site and then taken to the lot where they are to be installed. Many green features are also included in the E-house. Several of these are: low-flush toilets, energy-efficient appliances, solar panels, and a custom made recycling center. This idea was developed in the hopes of becoming a common home design in order to maintain a small carbon footprint.

Technology: 2008 to Future


Hologram Technology has been a hot topic within the last four years, but it hasn't been brought to "life" until November of last year when CNN first introduced holograms during the election season. Jessica Yellin reported live to CNN headquarters on November 4, 2008. If you click on the link below you are able to see a glimpse of the interview she gave:

Though this is only a start to what could potentially change the future of communication, it helps one see, literally, the direction in which communication is going and how it may effect our society. Holograms could help the future of corporate businesses and even families that live in different parts of the world. Not only would it help people communicate more effeciently but it would help others retrieve information faster.

Presently, there has been a lot of talk in the technology world about how to conserve and save energy. Donald Sadoway has introduced a liquid battery that could allow cities to run on solar power at night. This battery is designed to store electricity with the help of all-liquid active materials. It is predicted that these batteries will cost less than a third as much as today's best batteries and have a much longer life span. The materials that make up this battery and the electroltye that conducts currents between them allows for this device to absorb large amounts of electricity. The electrodes can operate at electrical currents "tens of times higher than any [battery] that's ever been measured," says Donald Sadow­ay, a materials chemistry professor at MIT and one of the battery's inventors. Another advantage of the development of this battery is that the materials are inexpensive, and the design is simple so manufacturing of this product will be done at a rapid pace.

Posted By: Kaila Evenoff and Lindsay Jamieson