Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Technology: 2008 to Future


Hologram Technology has been a hot topic within the last four years, but it hasn't been brought to "life" until November of last year when CNN first introduced holograms during the election season. Jessica Yellin reported live to CNN headquarters on November 4, 2008. If you click on the link below you are able to see a glimpse of the interview she gave:

Though this is only a start to what could potentially change the future of communication, it helps one see, literally, the direction in which communication is going and how it may effect our society. Holograms could help the future of corporate businesses and even families that live in different parts of the world. Not only would it help people communicate more effeciently but it would help others retrieve information faster.

Presently, there has been a lot of talk in the technology world about how to conserve and save energy. Donald Sadoway has introduced a liquid battery that could allow cities to run on solar power at night. This battery is designed to store electricity with the help of all-liquid active materials. It is predicted that these batteries will cost less than a third as much as today's best batteries and have a much longer life span. The materials that make up this battery and the electroltye that conducts currents between them allows for this device to absorb large amounts of electricity. The electrodes can operate at electrical currents "tens of times higher than any [battery] that's ever been measured," says Donald Sadow­ay, a materials chemistry professor at MIT and one of the battery's inventors. Another advantage of the development of this battery is that the materials are inexpensive, and the design is simple so manufacturing of this product will be done at a rapid pace.

Posted By: Kaila Evenoff and Lindsay Jamieson

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